
What to look for when starting a i18n project

Hey, everybody! It’s been awhile since my last blog post. I've been busy with lots of stuff such as becoming a dad to a beautiful little girl (with another on-the-way!), learning more about testing, and actually testing stuff too! But I'll try to come back and write more. update: It's been a while since I … Continue reading What to look for when starting a i18n project

To automate or not to automate, that is the question

This post was written a few years ago. It may have outdated dates and content and may not reflect my most current opinions. During about the 4 years I have on the Software QA world I've been researching about the new techniques, methodologies, etc., on the field. Since the beginning almost empirically I've found on … Continue reading To automate or not to automate, that is the question